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  • Comment On The Importance Of Human Life

  • Comment On The Importance Of Human Life

  • Comment On The Importance Of Human Life

Media Guidelines and What Matters Most: A Reflective Piece

Screen Time: Guidelines

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have published guidelines on the recommended duration of screen time a child should be limited to. While having a fixed number can be helpful for some families, this may not be realistic for others. 

These guidelines may be misconstrued and parents may be judged for not adhering to these limits. Not being able to follow these guidelines may also contribute to feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and even frustration for parents.

What’s Missing?

On one hand, these guidelines aim to give parents an idea of how to manage time spent on television, tablets, gaming consoles and phones. On the other hand, parents may benefit more from learning how best to use media effectively.

Instead of focusing on how much time kids should spend on media, it may be more important to pay attention to (1) what they are watching, (2) who they are watching it with, and (3) what they are not engaging in because of media use.

Technology is not inherently bad. These tools have been a part of our lives for generations, and it has contributed to our development, learning, work life, and relationships in many ways. Technology becomes problematic when media is used excessively. This may then contribute to issues such as behavior challenges, sleep reduction, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition.

The Reality

Now, more than ever, children and adults have increased access to various types of media. In fact, we can now stay connected 24/7 through multiple platforms. How can we ensure that children and adolescents have a wholesome and well-balanced relationship with media and non-media related activities?

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep updated with discussions and tips.

Surviving Home Based Learning

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools are closed or have switched to home-based learning. Here are some tips to help parents tide through this challenging period.

Parents and caregivers, remember to be kind to yourselves. Stay safe and healthy!

Talking to Your Child about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

General Resources on Coronavirus:

  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Talking with Children about Coronavirus Disease 2019
  2. Talking about Coronavirus Based on Age
  3. PBS: How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus
  4. Covid-19 Video Story by University of Miami-Nova Southeastern University
  5. Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer Use at Home, at Play, and Out and About

Resources for Individuals with Developmental Differences:

  1. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill developed an online toolkit for parents and providers supporting children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder during COVID-19.
  2. Our colleagues at The Yale Child Study Center developed a Guide for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Social Stories:

Stay tuned as we continue to collate more resources. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@psychhabitat.com for more information or guidance.

Our Story

In 2007, our journey as friends and psychologists began at university here in Singapore. Our journey then took us out of Singapore and to graduate school in Chicago.

Miles away from Singapore, over meals, on vacations, during supervisions, at conferences, in meetings, and while juggling school with practicums/internships/fellowships … we never stopped discussing our dreams and ideas. Our goal was to some day return home to Singapore to open a practice serving individuals with neurodevelopmental differences.

Fast forward to August 2019, while sipping on our iced coffees in the Greektown neighbourhood of Chicago, we chose a name for our practice – PsychHabitat.

Chicago, 2019

PsychHabitat is a community for learning, support, resource, and growth. For individuals, families, professionals, and everyone in between.

PsychHabitat is a first step towards realising our vision, and we hope you will join us in this journey.

– Dr Aveline and Dr Tanisha